

Salsa Canning Recipe

 What do you see here?  A table covered with fresh raw vegetables?  I see Salsa!

How about now?  
Beginning to look more like Salsa?


Salsa (Spanish): a spicy sauce of tomatoes, onions, and hot peppers.

(It's hard to believe that huge pile of vegetables was reduced to half a saucepot.)

Processed, canned, and ready to eat!






  Read on for the recipe . . .




Salsa Canning Recipe


Yield: 12 pints or 6 quarts

1 peck (1/4 bushel) of Roma tomatoes
6 very large green peppers
12-14 hot banana peppers
4 very large onions
3 cloves of garlic
3 tsps. of salt
1 C. apple cider vinegar

Peel, core and de-seed the tomatoes.
Cut the peppers in half and remove the stem ends and seeds.
Peel the papery skin off of the onions and garlic.
Chop all of the vegetables finely. 
Combine all ingredients in a large saucepot.  Bring to a boil then simmer uncovered for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Fill prepared canning jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace.
Process in a hot water canner for 15 minutes.


To easily peel the tomatoes, place them in a strainer and dip them in boiling water for 60 seconds, then dip them in very cold water. The skin will slip right off.  Roma tomatoes are meatier and less watery than Big Boy or Beefsteak tomatoes. 

When handling hot peppers, wear rubber gloves or your fingers and hands will burn.  The hot banana peppers make a mild salsa.  For hotter salsa, add some hotter peppers such as Sorrano or Jalapeno.  

This is a very easy canning recipe, but it takes a lot of time to chop up all those vegetables!  Just think about how good those farm fresh summer veggies will taste in the middle of winter! 
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