Everyone benefits from eating a good breakfast, including chickens! The Chickie-Babes look forward to beginning each day with a wholesome breakfast. I mix up and store this combo in a clean 5-gallon bucket with a lid. Then each morning I serve up a large scoopful to the Babes.
Breakfast of Champions
- 7 lb. cracked corn
- 5 lb. sunflower seed hearts
- 5 lb. Manna Pro Poultry Conditioner (contains flax seeds)
- 3 lb. rolled oats
Hey Mikey, they like it!
The Chickie-Babes are some healthy gals. Year-round they receive a daily regimen of layer mix with added calcium, and most days they free-range so they can forage for greens and insects. This little treat in the morning increases their health potential by protecting their digestive and immune systems and giving them a boost of energy. These photos were taken when the Chickie-Babes were 15 weeks old, before they began laying eggs.
The evidence of excellent health is a brightening of color and shine in their feathers, eyes, wattles and combs.
Fast-forward seven weeks. These beautiful pullets are 22 weeks old in this photo and have just begun to lay eggs. They are healthy and energetic. When I bring their breakfast to them in the morning, they get excited, and the chow it down. Their coats are smooth and shiny, and I would say their healthy breakfast has contributed to their vitality!
In the winter, since there is not as much forage available, the Chickie-Babes get a scoop of the Champion mix in the evening too. This stimulates their digestive systems, which burns some digestive fuel and helps to keep them warmer through the cold nights. (Tip: I also can lure them into the hen house anytime I want to by leading them with a little scoop of the mix. They love it!)