Aussie Umbra, our beautiful Black Australorp. She appears to be the head hen. She's not mean or overly aggressive, but she does give a lot of direction to the other hens, to her advantage of course! She's more social with us than some of the others are.
This breed originated in Australia in the late 1800's from Black Orpington stock. At that time they were called Australian Black Orpingtons. Further breeding in the United Sates eventually led to the name Black Australorp.
Ruby Red is our gentle Rhode Island Red. I love RIRs. I think they're my favorite breed. They have such a sweet personality, are really beautiful, do really well in cold weather, and are great layers!
Rhode Island Reds were first bred in Rhode Island from a Black Breasted Red Malay cock imported from England. They are a very sturdy breed and do well in cold weather.
The Silver Laced was bred in New York in the late 1800's. They are medium size with a rose comb and can be very broody.
The Orpingtons were named after the town of Orpington, England. They originated as a hybrid breed by crossing Minorcas, Langshans and Plymouth Rocks. The original colors of black, white, buff, blue and splash are recognized by the American Standard. They are large birds, cold hardy, and very good layers.
Della Barker. "Della" because she is a Delaware, and "Barker" because, well, she barks! Della is skiddish, doesn't want to be handled. She is either a very deep sleeper or deaf; I'm still trying to determine which it is. She is slow to notice when the others move on.
The Delaware is a fairly new breed of chicken, originating in Delaware (of course) in 1940 and is a cross between a New Hampshire Red and a Barred Rock (who'd a thunk it?).
Henny Haha is our New Hampshire Red. She is a bit on the timid side with us but can hold her own with the flock. I have the most difficulty getting photos of her because she is so timid and camera shy. She is a silly girl, amusing us with her antics . . . thus her name.
New Hampshire Reds originated in New Hampshire (of course), and are a relatively new breed (1935). They come from intensified selective breeding of the Rhode Island Red for the purpose of early maturing and egg production.
Learn all about Keeping Chickens the Maple Grove way!